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Spirit Releasement Therapy - Spirit Attachment vs Pain Bodies Part 2 of 3

Christine Kooper

Spirit Attachment vs Pain Bodies

It’s important to stress that there is a distinct difference between an attachment that is in fact a spirit that is exterior to the client versus thoughts and beliefs that the client has given form to. These are often referred to as Pain Bodies, and these are attachments that have been derived directly from the client themselves. An example of this would be where a client has labeled themselves as being ‘an angry person’. Once a lower vibrational emotion or belief has been labeled and the person goes on to identify and believe themselves as being that label, they have unwittingly given form to the belief, and that belief can then manifest into what could be referred to as an attachment or entity as it tends to take on a life of its own, causing blocks to the client’s progress.

These Pain Bodies are in fact the most common type of attachment, and once identified, must be handled very differently through the belief system and would not be appropriate for SRT. In fact, it’s for this reason that SRT truly is a therapy of last resort. It would be careless for a Practitioner to jump directly into SRT if in fact, the attachment is a Pain Body that requires healing on a subconscious level, as their efforts would be ineffective and could therefore, leave the client in constant fear of having an attachment if the core negative belief was not resolved. Also, not recognizing an attachment as being a Pain Body removes the important responsibility that the client has in maintaining their own emotional state and vibration. If they are led to believe that there is always an attachment to blame for their un-ease, they will be unlikely to take responsibility for their own healing and this is highly disempowering. Untrained Spirit Releasement Therapy (“SRT”) Practitioners must stay wary of excessively seeing SRT in every client as this is a sure sign of missed opportunities in healing the more common Pain Bodies.

Earthbound Spirits (“EBs”)

EBs are spirit energies that once had a physical body. They tend to not understand and/or accept that they have died a physical death and for many reasons, have not moved into the Light. EBs can be either known or unknown to the client.

Spirits known to the client can include anything from friends, family, co-workers or even close acquaintances like a neighbor. These spirits are most likely to have good intentions and are often, but not always, unwittingly invited to attach by the client. This happens at the time of the spirits physical death and the client’s grief results in their asking for the persons spirit to stay with them. While not all spirits will adhere to this request, some will.

Spirit Releasement Therapy

With these types of attachments, SRT involves helping EB spirits release their bind to the earth so they can complete the normal transition into the Light. The process of releasement tends to be quite smooth once both the client and spirit understand that their good intentions are inappropriate to either one’s highest good. Once both parties understand this and agree that it is time to let go and move on, the EB usually quickly and easily leaves. With SRT, we then commence with any needed healing for both the spirit and client for their separate journeys. This is an essential part of SRT as it not only reinforces the releasement but encourages the spirit to not detour from going into the Light. One of the ways we do this is by generating a feeling of acceptance of their death, and peace towards issues from their life. In rare cases however, a spirit may be fearful of separating and so with a trained SRT Practitioner, other methods to include regression therapy on the spirit may be used.

Spirits unknown to the client are often opportunists that are looking to take advantage of a vulnerability within the client. They often seek out or are drawn to a particular type of host and attempt to manipulate the client’s behavior to enhance that vulnerability that they sought out in the first place, and they do this with little or no care for the consequences. For example, they may drive the client to indulge in activities that the spirit would like to do if it still had a body like take drugs, smoke cigarettes or consume alcohol.

The releasement of these EBs revolves around letting the spirit know that their bad intentions and desires for these types of earth-bound activities will never be satisfactorily fulfilled and convincing them to let go and move on into the Light.

Dark Force Entities (“DFEs”)

DFEs are spirit entities who have never had a physical body and are usually unknown to the client’s conscious mind. They are rarely invited, and therefore attach to the client without the client’s knowledge or consent. Ultimately, these are the attachments that frequently come to mind when talking about entities, thanks to Hollywood and yet, they are still highly misunderstood. It’s this misunderstanding that makes it important to work with a trained SRT Practitioner because even if released, if not done properly, they can easily return or simply attach to someone else. The key is to not only release them but ensure that they go to the Light.

Spirit Releasement Therapy

DFEs are part of a hierarchy, working on behalf of their Masters. DFEs think they are manipulating and using the client, but in truth, they are being manipulated; used and lied to by their Masters. DFEs may mention their allegiance to their Masters and use names like Lucifer or the Devil and they use it as a way to create awe or fear. Yet they themselves are fearful of their Masters, including a fear of failing them, and so within this fear lies the opening for SRT to begin its work. Being spirits that follow orders, they may try to be persuasive, authoritative and lead the conversation with us, yet when we act as leaders, they can be turned, and follow our orders. In some cases, they may lie and state that they are the Master and yet by understanding these entities, SRT easily resolves this type of stance. DFEs are master manipulators and can pose as being a helpful spirit, one that the client had agreed to partner up with prior to incarnation. It is due to this that careful questioning with a trained SRT Practitioner take place so that the true identity of the spirit can be discovered and subsequently, the most optimal release method pursued.

The trained SRT Practitioner remains calm and centered in non-duality and are not fooled by the good vs evil game that DFEs like to play. So, like a lion who will simply laugh at a small barking dog that is trying to appear threatening, the SRT Practitioner does not react emotionally, but instead remains confident in the laws of the Universe. The ultimate reality and ruling principle of the universe is Light. There is no ultimate ruling dark master. DFEs have Masters, but they only have the power that the DFEs are fooled into giving them. The trained SRT Practitioner will calmly communicate with the DFE and with systematic logic, back them into a corner whereby anything they were led to believe by their Master is unwound and the truth of how they were manipulated is seen clearly. Once they can see that they have been manipulated and that they, just as all things, are truly of the Light, can they then embrace that and return to the Light. Only by helping the spirit see the inner Light within themselves and therefore sparking their desire to go to the Light willingly can we be certain that it will not return or just re-attach to someone else.

More about the healing work after SRT in part 3 of this article.

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Copyright 2019 Christine Shanesy-Kooper. This article may be shared freely as long as it is presented completely and with all links included.

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